Success Stories

Transformational workshops and keynote speaker recommendations

After your session the teams felt refreshed and motivated.Thank you so much for the engaging fun. The tools for Adaptability IQ for personal wellbeing and future career development were very well revived by the teams. Jessica’s high energy and her capability to engage with the audiences were really impressive.

Zhang Hong
EMEA TD summit, Amazon
R&C Training Manager

I would like to thank Jessica for being such a wonderful mentor for our team. We had a great 2-days training on storytelling. It was one of the best trainings I’ve ever had, useful and sufficient. Thank you and look forward to attend more courses under your supervision.

Anastasia Perebeynos
Product Manager at Philips, Zurich

Jessica has come to France for the fouth time- training our top talent geologists. They were very happy with the program. They gave great reviews on the exercises- like the sub-arctic team negotiation game.

Caroline RAMIER
Support Logistique Cadet Cop

Jessica knows how to be heard and how to engage from stage.
She was a really good Master of Ceremonies/presenter at Barcelona Digital Talent with over 150 young international students. She was able to motive and connect with the audience with her friendly energy and meaningful speech, in spite of the fact that the setting was not easy at all. She can help you achieve the expected impact, communicate, entertain or keep your event moving.

Jessica is unique, passionate and funny. For me, the use of intelligent humour in public speaking is a difficult art. And she masters it.

Judith Romero 
Expert in International Economic Promotion of Barcelona

I’ve just seen Jessica run a networking session at an international online conference. Talk about a tricky assignment! She managed to get the whole group mixing and sharing and having fun. Great job Jessica!

Lindsay Adams
Governor General of the Commonwealth of Australia. Past President of Global Speakers Association

Thank you Jessica! It was super fun; We had a great time together. Hope we see you soon. I am really recommending you.

Barcelona team

Jessica taught a Masterclass to CaixaBank Relationship Managers about cultural exchange. Great accuracy and high motivation, which spread around the class, empowering us to be aware of non verbal comm, and thus controlling the message sent to our clients. Highly recommended experience.

Javier Roca
Director Banca de Empresa

Dynamic, entertaining teacher with a great sense of humor; adaptes to participants and looks for how to complete the lesson content with others of interest.

Pere Corominas
Director Centers of Excellence in CaixaBank Tech

Jessica is a true professional, an exceptional speaker & a pleasure to work with. She was the host of my GLOBAL Sales Tech Festival. Her presentation skills are second to none, and she has an incredible ability to connect with her audience, making them feel comfortable and engaged. She is passionate about boosting companies towards their innovation objectives; she provides insightful and practical advice; her actionable takeaways were extremely valuable. And lots of fun!

Mario Paladini
Founder & CEO at GLOBALS, Growth Enabler | Investor

I wanted to express my sincere gratitude for all the help and support you provided during the Startup Grind Tech Summit 2023. It was amazing to see how well the games and activities you organized captivated and entertained the audience! Truly incredible!
You elevated the quality of the event, and the audience was delighted with your contributions.

Jordi Bolet Castellà
Founder and Director at Startup Grind

One of the reasons behind my personal success during the EU-Startups summit last week was Jessica Breitenfeld ❤️
This woman is a power house! She was running a speed #networking sessions through out the event. She is a genius. She is capable of making a stone 🗿 coming out of its shell 🐚

I made some connections who kept introducing me to other people through out the event.

Vasily Alekseenko
Founder of The London Startup Scene

If you need either high-flying or introspective grounded energy at your event- Jessica is up to that challenge. She has given many trainings for us at ETN where she can keep the attention of your online audience for hours! She keeps it interesting, engaging and fun throughout. She combines learning and fun in a skillful manner.

Agnes Tarnai 
Head Of Unit at European Union

Jessica is an exceptional trainer and host with a magical ability to consistently engage her audience both online, offline and in hybrid settings. Just saw her remarkable performance as the host of a high-profile event where she kept the talkative audience engaged & entertained. Humor and creativity, entertaining and thought-provoking.

Kevin K.L. Cheng
Technical Pre-sales Consultant & tech assistant at European Trainers Network

I have followed Jessica’s endeavors online for several years and enjoyed her presentations at groups like PSA Spain and VSAI… she brings energy and commitment to serve to everything she does…. she is a creative, funny lady who brings value to everyone she meets…. she would do so for your group. Check her out my friends.

Bob ‘Idea Man’ Hooey
Author, speaker, & trainer

Unbridled energy, engaging storytelling and technosavvy training – put it all together and that’s Jessica for you!
I attended the ‘Find your Niche in the Circus of Life’ workshop conducted by Jessica for the European Trainers Network. At the end of the session, I walked away with clarity and lots of insights. Jessica is a speaker who understands the pulse of the audience and ensures that there is not a dull moment. Her infectious passion rubs off on the audience and she knows how to hold their attention with the right use of humour.
Highly recommend Jessica Breitenfeld as a speaker and a true influencer!

Vinay Pushpakaran
Past President, Pro Speaker

Highly recommended for corporate cross-cultural communication and negotiation skills.
She coached me in English public speaking and assessed in content editing. Great eye for smooth sounding, natural English and an excellent ability to identify and correct mistakes.
Communication sessions with Jessica become a deep learning experience, even funny and enjoyable. She shared her insights into cultural diversity and provided different approaches in dealing with complex organizations.
A trusted communication coach.

Luis Alfonso Marquez 
Head of Compliance AmericasPast President (2012)

Jessica reviewed my “elevator pitch” talk for a grant that I had to present to a committee of persons of mixed professional backgrounds. She was absolutely great. She helped structure the short talk and orient on focusing on main messages omitting obvious statements, insisted in the importance of the opening statement, AND was flexible without intending to canalise too much. Also the way she handled the discussion (young professional coaching older scientist) was just fantastic, I really enjoyed. At ISGlobal we have asked Jessica to review several of our applicants but it was the first time we worked together. I would recommend without any hesitation.

Manolis Kogevinas
Scientific Director

Jessica lights a room up with her energy, enthusiasm and empathy. She is an engaging and inspiring speaker. I attended an event of hers recently at E.U Start up summit, and I hadn’t felt so much love in one room for a long time. It was beautiful to be a part of it.

Diane Wiredu
Founder at Lion Words

I recently had the opportunity to see Jessica speak — she was clear, energetic, appropriately animated, entertaining and provided great content! She headlined on a business panel at an Applied Improvisation Network conference in BC, Canada.

David Gouthro
Past President, Professional SpeakerPast President (2012)

I worked with Jessica on my presentation skills. She was a true help. Challenging but very supportive and hands-on. Plus, she helped me think about several aspects of life. Another plus, she is connected to so many people so when working with Jessica you are also entering a great network of professionals.

Jonas Schäfer
Global Product Line Manager