Can Do Culture
Teams that innovate
Develop your team’s strengths and collaborate to cover the gaps.
The 80/20 human
What´s the problem with teams?
Miscommunication, lack of trust and feeling of working with strangers. Your team is made of humans. Imagine John; John can do 80% of his job well- but if that 20% that he struggles with is ignored because of fear of punishment your team will have a gap of 20% not done well.
Now Imagine 20 Johns on your team. 20% of each of them isn´t going so well. If you knew about these 20% and honestly accepted them and covered for them- like a basketball team does- when one runs slower- you would have a team which feels safe to explore, innovate and sometimes- fail.
You would have an innovative team.
Psychological Safety can be created through crafted experiences where people talk- really talk and develop communication skills.
Right now, if you don´t know the strengths- and weaknesses of your team- then they are not using their full potential. The AQAI assessment will help you understand your team members’ real strengths, so they are engaged and achieve more as a whole. An individual takes a quick assessment, under stress, and the results reveal which if the 15 skills are strongly developed or need training.
Let me help you identify and work on high impact skills and increase self-knowledge and self-awareness, develop leadership competencies to each and every team member involved in your business.
Teams that respond better- get results, work faster, share information and to your suprise-enjoy collaborating- which means they enjoy working together.
